Workplaces | Quit Tasmania


How to address smoking in your workplace

Workplaces 1

A healthy workplace is good for business, and one of the best ways to improve the health of your workers is to have a smoke-free workplace.

Quit Tasmania’s Guidelines For Developing A Smoke-Free Worksite Policy has practical information on how to go smoke free in your workplace and, in the process, support employees to quit smoking. Download it from the link above or call Quit Tasmania (03) 6169 1943 for a free copy.


Stuff You Can Do

Talk to Quitline Tasmania

137848 Experienced counsellors provide free support and advice at any stage of the quitting journey.

Request a free Quit Pack

Includes all the information required to plan and prepare for quitting.

Find out why you smoke

What are the 3 aspects of smoking?

How much is smoking COSTING you?

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