Don’t Let Vaping In is an anti-vaping campaign targeted towards Tasmanian youth.
Recent data reveals that an estimated 11,193 Tasmanian students aged 12-17 have tried vaping. This represents 33%, a significant rise from 13% in 2017, with the sharpest increase occurring among 16-17-year-olds. [1]
Research has found that young people who vape are at least 5 times (or greater) more likely to take up tobacco smoking compared to young people who don’t vape. [2]
Quit Tasmania was funded by the Department of Health to deliver a youth campaign to increase awareness of the health harms of e-cigarette use, especially the negative aspects of addiction. It was also funded to create, and direct, young people to a digital space with interactive and engaging content (tools for self-assessment, cravings help etc.) and provide further information about the dangers of vaping and how to quit including directly connecting them with cessation support.
The Project involved collaboration, and participation in, the Vape Free Youth Advisory group. Group members come from Quit Tasmania (Cancer Council Tasmania), Public Health Services (Department of Health), Menzies Institute for Medical Research (University of Tasmania) and Royal Flying Doctor Service Tasmania.
Evidence Base
The campaign was developed using formative research conducted by the Menzies Institute for Medical Research at the University of Tasmania.
Campaign Objectives
● Reduced prevalence of vaping among the primary audience – young Tasmanians
● Increased awareness of the addictiveness of vaping
● Increased intentions of quitting (relevance and urgency)
Target Audience
Primary: Tasmanian young people aged 12-25 years
Secondary: People supporting young people who vape including parents/caregivers, school community, youth support workers and service providers.
Campaign strategy
Phase 1 15th November 2024 – 26th January 2025
Paid social media advertising
Paid and organic campaign videos will begin to appear on young people’s TikTok and Snapchat accounts from Friday 15th November. The videos move through to a “Don’t Let It In” message with click through to the campaign website containing key information on the harms of vaping, how to quit and support available in Tasmania.

Website –
The youth website allows connection to existing stakeholder (community and health) information and provides a one-stop-shop for vaping cessation hub in Tasmania for young people.
Content includes:
- How to stop vaping
- Things that can help
- Who can help including people and apps
- Harms of vaping
- A summary of Tasmanian e-cigarette law

Interactive tools have been developed such as:
- Cravings – distraction wheel
- Quiz
- Nicotine calculator
These tools are bite-sized, and designed to be fun and informative, allowing young people to learn quickly about their addiction and what can help them quit. The website also provides information on who can support them quit, such as Quitline counsellors, GPs, youth worker, etc.
Campaign Assets
“Spot the Signs”
Animated social tiles showing the harms are currently placed on social and digital media channels (website, YoutTube, TikTok and Snapchat)

Phase 2 – February 2025 – TBC
Campaign collateral will be distributed to school community and youth service providers to expand the reach into youth audiences. It will include:
- posters
- digital assets – social tiles, logos, email signatures and animations
- banners
- competition incentives to encourage young people to provide creative videos, stories etc.
As this collateral becomes available, we will notify schools and community.
For any further information or queries please contact
If you are supporting young people who vape you can also visit Young People and Vaping | Quit Tasmania for more information.
[1] Scully, M. et al (2023) ASSAD 2022/23: Tasmanian secondary school students’ use of tobacco, e-cigarettes, alcohol and other substances. Centre for Behavioural Research in Cancer, Cancer Council Victoria: Melbourne. [2] Eggers, S. et al (2024) The association between vaping and subsequent initiation of cigarette smoking in young Australians from age 12 to 17 years: a retrospective cohort analysis using cross-sectional recall data from 5114 adolescents. Aust N Z J Public Health.