Think you’re ready? Make a plan | Quit Tasmania

Think you’re ready? Tips and Hints

Firstly, congratulations! If you have reached this page you have obviously been thinking about quitting. That’s great, because successful quitting is all about good preparation and planning. Here’s how to get started:

Think you’re ready? Make a plan 1Need to think a bit longer?
When you light up in the coming week, use that time to think about why you’re smoking that particular cigarette.
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Think you’re ready? Make a plan 2Change your habits
There are lots of simple ways you can change your routines to beat the habit.
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Think you’re ready? Make a plan 3Break the stress cycle
Do you light up when you’re stressed? There are lots of ways to relax without cigarettes.
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Think you’re ready? Make a plan 4Prepare for withdrawals
Nicotine is an addictive drug. Using Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) or a quitting medication can help reduce cravings, making it easier to cope with withdrawals.
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Think you’re ready? Make a plan 5Getting through the first few weeks
Many people experience some challenges in the first few weeks of quitting. These can include cravings, mood swings and insomnia.
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Think you’re ready? Make a plan 6Build a support team
You don’t need to do it alone. Talk to a Quitline Counsellor or supportive family, friends or doctor.
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Think you’re ready? Make a plan 7Remind yourself of the benefits
Remember your reasons for wanting to quit. These may be saving money or improving your health as well as freedom from the hassles of smoking.
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Think you’re ready? Make a plan 8Relapse? Try again
Every day you are smoke-free helps to break your smoking habits and weaken your addiction. If you go back to regular smoking, don’t despair, begin to plan for your next quit attempt.
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Think you’re ready? Make a plan 9Having second thoughts?
That’s fine too. Don’t rush into quitting if you don’t think you’re quite ready. We’ll be here to help you when you’ve spent some more time thinking about it.
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Stuff You Can Do

Talk to Quitline Tasmania

137848 Experienced counsellors provide free support and advice at any stage of the quitting journey.

Request a free Quit Pack

Includes all the information required to plan and prepare for quitting.

Find out why you smoke

What are the 3 aspects of smoking?

How much is smoking COSTING you?

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