Coronavirus and smoking | Quit Tasmania

Coronavirus and smoking

No smoking

Quitline Tasmania has had a number of enquiries asking about the coronavirus and how it may impact people who smoke.

Quit Victoria has answered the most commonly asked questions here:…/faqs-coronavirus-covid-19-and-sm…/

Stopping smoking is the best thing you can do for your health.

If you’re thinking about stopping smoking, chat with one of our qualified Quitline counsellors on 13 7848. Quitline counsellors are available Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm and after hours occasionally by appointment. Quitline is an inclusive and culturally safe space for all. Aboriginal Quitline counsellors are also available, and we have an interpreter service for people who speak a language other than English.


Stuff You Can Do

Talk to Quitline Tasmania

137848 Experienced counsellors provide free support and advice at any stage of the quitting journey.

Request a free Quit Pack

Includes all the information required to plan and prepare for quitting.

Find out why you smoke

What are the 3 aspects of smoking?

How much is smoking COSTING you?

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