Latest campaign - Voice Box | Quit Tasmania

Latest campaign – Voice Box

Latest campaign - Voice Box 1

In our latest campaign, we share what lays ahead for you if you smoke and have to have your voice box removed because of smoking-related cancer. A laryngectomy is one of the most life-changing operations a person can have. There are many things that can never be the same again; the way you talk, breathe, smell and taste. Things you take for granted like shouting for your favourite footy team are no longer possible. Almost 80% of cancers of the voice box (larynx) are caused by smoking.

NOTE: The surgical footage shown in the campaign advertisements is very real and highly graphic and not suitable to those under 15 years of age. Viewer discretion is advised.

Smoking can take a lot away.


The benefits of stopping smoking before surgery.

By quitting smoking, you’ll not only reduce your cancer risk, but you’ll start to see other health benefits too.

If you’re ready to stop now, get started by calling 13 7848 or arrange a callback from Quitline.

If you or a loved one has a cancer diagnosis and are looking for information and support, contact Cancer Council Tasmania on 1300 65 65 85 or visit


Stuff You Can Do

Talk to Quitline Tasmania

137848 Experienced counsellors provide free support and advice at any stage of the quitting journey.

Request a free Quit Pack

Includes all the information required to plan and prepare for quitting.

Find out why you smoke

What are the 3 aspects of smoking?

How much is smoking COSTING you?

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