E-cigarettes and vaping - what are they? | Quit Tasmania

E-cigarettes and vaping – what are they?

What are e-cigarettes?

E-cigarettes, also known as ‘vapes’, are battery operated devices that heat a liquid (e-liquid, also called ‘juice’) until it turns into an aerosol, which the user then inhales.  Using an e-cigarette is commonly known as ‘vaping’. 

Vape aerosol is not harmless water vapour. The aerosol is a fine spray of chemicals that enter the body through the lungs and small particles that can lodge in the lungs.

What’s in an e-cigarette?

An e-cigarette can contain many different chemicals – very few are identified and none have been tested to show they are safe to INHALE.  Some of these chemicals are the same chemicals as those found in cleaning products, nail polish remover, weed killer and bug spray.

The aerosol can also contain heavy metals shed from the heating coil inside the device.

E-cigarettes are harmful, and just like cigarettes, e-cigarettes involve inhaling chemicals deep into the lungs over and over. 

Some of the chemicals found in aerosols can cause cancer, others can cause swelling and irritation in the throat and lungs and can impact the heart.

Can vaping lead to addiction?

Nicotine is highly addictive – it is among the most addictive substances known.  Many e-cigarettes labelled ‘nicotine-free’ are incorrectly labelled and DO in fact contain nicotine.

As e-cigarettes are often not labelled, or incorrectly labelled, it is difficult to know how much nicotine they contain.  Some e-cigarettes can contain the same amount of nicotine as 200 cigarettes.

Nicotine addiction from e-cigarettes is the same as for those that smoke tobacco.  This can mean feeling irritable or anxious, as well as craving an e-cigarette.

Can e-cigarettes help people to quit smoking?

Currently, there is not enough evidence to promote the use of e-cigarettes for stopping smoking. To date, no nicotine vaping products have been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration for effectiveness, quality and safety.

People who smoke, who would like to quit and are thinking about vaping, should always first discuss this with a qualified medical professional to determine whether or not e-cigarettes containing nicotine are a suitable option.

Changes to vaping in Australia from 1 July 2024

The way Australians can access vapes has changed. Under the new legislation:

  • Vapes can only be sold in a pharmacy setting, regardless of whether they have nicotine in them or not
  • Non-pharmacy retailers, such as tobacconists, vape shops and convenience stress, cannot sell any type of vape
  • Until 30 September 2024, everyone needs a prescription from a doctor or nurse practitioner to purchase nicotine vapes from pharmacies
  • From 1 October 2024, people 18 years or over can purchase nicotine vapes directly from a pharmacy without a prescription.
  • People under 18 will still need a prescription to access vapes, where state and territory laws allow it.  This is to ensure they get appropriate medical advice and supervision
  • The concentration of nicotine in vapes sold in pharmacies without a prescription will be limited to 20mg/ml; people who require vapes with a higher concentration of nicotine will still require a prescription
  • Flavours in vapes are restricted to mint, menthol and tobacco
  • The advertising or promotion of vapes is generally prohibited
  • Anyone involved in transporting, storing or handling vapes must comply with strict requirements

Find out more:



E-cigarettes and vaping - what are they? 1
View our facts poster. (Downloadable PDF)

Like more information about e-cigarettes?

Please read these Fact Sheets* below:
(Click on them to view)

Do you use e-cigarettes?

If you’d like to quit e-cigarettes, or would like more information, we can support you with that.

Read here to find out how the Tasmanian Quitline 13 7848 can support you if you’d like to quit e-cigarettes.


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