Resources for workers
Resources to assist health and community service workers when working with clients who smoke.
“Help your clients quit for good” – a toolkit
A toolkit to assist workers to start the conversation with their clients and to facilitate making smoking care part of everyday care.
Cost of smoking wheel
An interactive wheel that spins to reveal the health and cost benefits of making a quit attempt.
NOTE: Due to price increases since publication in 2020, The Cost of Smoking Wheel, while still a great conversation starter, is no longer accurate.
Our ‘How much is your smoking costing you?’ flyer more accurately reflects current prices and is available for download to complement the Wheel.
One Day Smoking Diary
My Dairy of 1 Day of Smokes and Cravings. For one day clients write down each cigarette they smoke or crave. This will help them work out their triggers for smoking and encourage them to think about what they could do instead of reaching for a cigarette.
Pregnancy Flyer
Free display materials
We have brochures, stickers, posters and even a life-size “Think” man for display. These can prompt those that smoke to consider quitting and they outline how to contact Quit Tasmania to help them.
Quitline Flyer
DL Flyer – appropriate to hand to individuals or display in waiting rooms, brochure holders etc.
If you would like to order or discuss any of these free resources, please email or call 6169 1943