Lauren's story | Quit Tasmania

Lauren’s story

Lauren's story 1

If doing it for yourself isn’t enough, do it for the ones that love us, the ones that rely on us

Lauren quit so her 5 year old daughter knows she is doing whatever she can to live a long and healthy life.

The Quit ad, you know the one, with the man coughing his lungs up then at the end shows splattered blood, lung cancer.

My daughter and I were sitting down watching a movie, this ad came on and unfortunately she was completely glued to it. At the end she asked me “will this be you one day Mummy?” She is 5.

I did it for her, they are worth it.

They deserve to know that we are doing whatever we can to live long and healthy lives, to our best ability.

If doing it for yourself isn’t enough, do it for the ones that love us, the ones that rely on us.

*Results may vary from person to person


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